Friday, March 30, 2012

Pensacola FL

 There is a pond at our campground today and Tess was one happy puppy.
 We drove to Pensacola Beach and it was beautiful. We heard the water was cold--we sure weren't going in.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

New Orleans

The internet is not working very well at this rv park so I've had trouble uploading the rest of my pictures. This is the last for New Orleans. We really had a nice time here. I want to take a ride on the paddlewheel boat next time.

New Orleans--Day 2 cont.

After our swamp tour, we had some time so we walked around the French Quarter. This picture is the inside of St. Louis' church and we found this fountain in a courtyard near the main street.

New Orleans--Day 2

 Today, we took a swamp, bayou boat tour and had a great time. We saw lots of alligators and turtles swimming and sunning themselves. Our campground has a shuttle to the French Quarter so we didn't have to do any driving which was great.

New Orleans 1st Night

We drove into the French Quarter last night and walked around. We bought some beignets at Cafe du Monde and Gary took a picture of St. Louis church on Jackson Square.

New Orleans First Night

We are starting to feel like we are on vacation. We found this great RV park right on Lake Pontchartrain with palm trees and tropical breezes. In this first picture, our trailer is facing the camera. (The Laredo.)

Monday, March 26, 2012

San Antonio Day 2

Today, we took Donna out for a belated birthday lunch, then took Carissa to the park. When the boys got home from school, we took a family picture. It was nice to stay someplace for 3 nights and relax.

San Antonio Day 1

What a change! We went from snow in Tombstone to heat in Texas. We went swimming our first night here. Then, on Sunday we took Gary's daughter, Donna, and her kids, Matthew, James and Carissa to Chuck E. Cheese. They loved it.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Near Dallas

 We drove 2 long days through Texas and we all needed a break. We let Tess loose to run around the open field at the campground and she found the pond and couldn't jump in fast enough. We didn't know if she liked to swim and she sure does--unfortunately we didn't have a camera.

 We stopped here to visit with Gary's Aunt Katherine and cousin Charles and his friend Sue.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


 We stopped just east of Tucson yesterday and took a drive down to Tombstone. It was 37 degrees, windy and snowing so it was the fastest walking tour ever. We were going to travel across I-40 but due to snow conditions, we decided to drop down to I-10. When we got up this morning, it was 26 degrees and the campground pipes were frozen. I told Gary it was silly to bring heavy coats. :)

Monday, March 19, 2012


Tess and her new friend, the goat.

Are we there yet?

Sunday, March 18, 2012


Today, we had tickets for a spring training game between the Cleveland Indians and the KC Royals. It rained all night and the wind was howling and we were sure the game would be cancelled. We drove down anyway and the skies cleared so we saw the Indians lose 6-4. It was incredibly cold--it never got above 50 degrees and the wind just didn't quit.