Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Winnemucca, Nevada

We stopped tonight and had dinner with Gary's brother, Larry.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Twin Falls, Idaho

This is just an overnight stop but we wanted to see the falls. The Snake River canyon is pretty impressive and Evel Knievel's jump site is just west of the falls.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Yellowstone Day 3

 We had a great day in the park. It was warmer and we saw lots of buffalo and Tess was enthralled. We also had ice cream and bought souvenirs. I had mixed emotions about coming here after our last trip 4 years ago but we had a very nice time.

Yellowstone Day 2

Yesterday, we drove around the park again and went to Yellowstone Lake. Near the end of the park, the buffalo were blocking the road and a park ranger came to move them with a siren. There was a stampede and it was the coolest thing we saw in the time we spent here.

Saturday, May 19, 2012


We arrived in Yellowstone on Thursday and are staying 4 nights--our last hurrah. We drove through the park yesterday and it was very cold--36 degrees in the middle of the afternoon. Last night it went down to 22 degrees at our RV park but at least it chased away the mosquitoes.

Yellowstone Buffalo

Yellowstone National Park

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Billings, MT

Today, we went to Pictograph State Park just outside of Billings. It was hard to see any of the pictographs so we really didn't get any pictures of them.

After the state park, we took a drive to Pompeys Pillar National Monument. It's the place William Clark (of Lewis and Clark) carved his name on the stone wall--the only visible remains of their expedition. It was a walk up 200 steps and it was about 90 degrees so it was a very hot climb but it also offered a great view of the Yellowstone River.

Billings, Montana

 We stopped in Billings for two nights and finally are staying at a very nice campground.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Medora, ND

 Today, we are in southwest North Dakota and we drove around the badlands. There were lots of buffalo which Gary and Tess were watching and lots of prairie dog towns. Tess would have loved to chase the prairie dogs but she had to settle for watching them out the window.

International Peace Garden

We drove to the Peace Garden on Sunday and had a very nice day. The were serving a Mother's Day brunch which was very good. We actually were in Manitoba, Canada and we didn't take our passports but we were able to make it back through the border.


We were in the Turtle Mountains at the border and we found this turtle made from tire rims. Interesting

Minot, ND

 Last year, we had planned to visit Minot because Gary's mom was born here and he wanted to see the area. Unfortunately, there were terrible floods and we didn't make it. The campground we stayed at has still not recovered--hopefully it will be much better soon.